Like dolphins, exploring our intuitive potential of life by intuitive biomimicry with our natural surrounding environment.
Live your true nature
Like dolphins, exploring our intuitive potential of life by intuitive biomimicry with our natural surrounding environment.
Live your true nature
Life pulse
Surfing the wave of this change of paradigm felt for this planet, many strong signs invited me to feel deeper inside myself these two past years: health challenge and a professional turn that both revealed themselves as key themes related to my explorations.
I invite you to surf the same wave and accompany me at the heart of these projects, by becoming an adherent of BLUE lingua association to help us develop and extend a disruptive technology, adapt the soundscape at the service of all living beings and improve the Human-Animal relation. This relation must find a diplomatic and sustainable one… The website is in French but soon to have translation.
I guide people swimming with wild dolphins, develop intuitive biomimicry, explore interspecies communication , through projects in symbiosis with our natural environnement.

Interspecies communication with wild dolphins
Experience an ethical and intuitive encounter with wild dolphins of Sataya, Egypt.

Connected cap ®
Scientifical project on interspecies communication, and its neurological and physiological impacts on the human body.
A week in 2024 in personalized group, scientifical or ecovolunteering can be organized. Please contact me personally by email for the opportunities.
A video clip as a symbol
Thanks to Nettwerk music group support, I could create and edit this tribute to dolphins and our blue planet, with this great song of their true artist Christina Perri, that I love and kinda says it all: « Only human ». A key question underlying it: what does it mean to be human?…
Good practice guide of life projects exploration
Code of Ethics
Aquanha Conferences
« Aquanha » conferences share these interspecies encounters around the blue planet with cetaceans, through the intuitive biomimicry concept. But it is also a wider vision of unity of all these experiences, lessons of life consciously applied into your life with the scientifical, neuroscientifical and acoustical researches in the animal and vegetal kingdom.